Prohibited and Limited
Shipping Guidelines

A guide to items that cannot be shipped from the U.S. or cannot be received into your country or have limited shipping options. Please review this carefully before shopping.

Select the country you wish to ship items to and learn what is not allowed to be shipped.

Prohibited and Limited Items

Laws vary by country
It's your responsibility to know what can ship to your country
Tap on an icon for examples
Prohibited items cannot ship
Limited items can ship but have restrictions
Póngase en contacto con con preguntas.
Please be aware of the following
Please be aware of the following

Laws vary by country. The list of items below cannot ship or have limits on how they can ship or how much can ship. Please note that this list is not comprehensive and that restrictions are constantly changing. We'll do our best to update this page as we receive notices from our carriers but ultimately you are responsible for ensuring that the items you purchase comply with all government and carrier restrictions.

For your convenience we have provided examples of each item category. Simply click or tap the icon. Remember, prohibited items cannot ship at all. Limited items have reduced shipping options on quantity or specific type of item and may require special documentation or have extra fees associated with them. If you have concerns about your product, please contact before you make your purchase.

Shipping Alcohol

Shipito can ship alcohol from our Austria or Japan warehouses to select countries around the world. Please see the lists above and below to confirm if alcohol can be shipped to your country.
Shipito Warehouses
California, USA
Oregon, USA
Rastenfeld, Austria
Chiba, Japan
California, USA
Oregon, USA
Rastenfeld, Austria
Chiba, Japan

Countries that Prohibit Alcohol

Below is the list of countries that prohibit alcohol from the US. Austria and Japan warehouses may or may not be able to ship to some of these countries.
